Friday, October 23, 2015

Dash in Action!

Sasstimes has prepared some interesting videos that show you what this incredible, interactive robot can do when it is programed with the different apps. 

Here are the links to watch Dash in action!

Video One: Showing what to do with the app Go!

Video Two: Dash reacting to the app Path!

Stay active for more news!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Y6 Students Visited the MuPSA!

During the month of August, Y6 students visited the MuPSA, which is a museum that shows you interesting historical facts about St. Andrews. It was a way of commemorating the 177th school anniversary. It is located in Perú and Belgrano streets.

Click on the following link to learn more about St. Andrew's history and the MuPSA